These Words

On Writing,
Discourse and

in a World of


These Words

This is a web page. 


 I wrote them and you’re reading them. 


We live in a world where content is consumed at frightening speed in bite-sized chunks. We endlessly scroll to read, view and listen to content. Short posts, reels, threads, TikTok and YouTube shorts. We click, like, follow, subscribe - often without much thought. AI has changed things. Video is where it is at right now. Which begs the question, why bother writing at all?


Simply put. 

I’m here, and you are there. 

Wherever there is - it’s not here where I now am. The act of you reading my words is what connects us  - your country, location, timezone, device, gender, profession or age are but background details. It’s not what connects us here. Here, right now,  only words matter.

When I wrote my first blog post in 2006  I wanted to share ideas, to connect through ideas.  I think I may have forgotten this along the way. Have you?

What fun to peak into someone else’s brain without the distraction of the who, what, where of them. An idea doesn’t belong to your identity. 

To be fair, back then it was easy.  We all got along - more or less. We wrote, commented, debated, in good spirit. We didn’t pander to algorithms. Many people miss this. I certainly do. 

You’re still reading. 

Words are a powerful tool. 

Ultimately, everything online starts with words on a page. 

Words are great for finding people like you. 

In Timothy Leary's words, “Everyone carries a piece of the puzzle. Nobody comes into your life by mere coincidence. Trust your instincts. Do the unexpected. Find the others…”

These words will find others. 

Connection starts with words. That’s why I write. That’s why I read. And that’s why you should too.   

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Hey! I only email when I've got stories or something worth sharing. Want to be the first to know? Sign up here.

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Copyright 2024

Say hello! Get in touch via email or connect with me on LinkedIn. Tweet responses may be slow.

Copyright 2024

Say hello! Get in touch via email or connect with me on LinkedIn. Tweet responses may be slow.

Copyright 2024